Important message from Shuswap Indian Band (Invermere) regarding the Elk population in the East Kootenays. Please read the following or click on attached images to see the letter:
To All Shuswap Nation Chief, Council and Nation Members:
Re: Elk population in the East Kootenays
At a meeting of concerned parties it was determined that the Elk population in the Findlay Creek and Skookumchuck area is in serious decline. The Elk herds will need a minimum two years of restricted hunting to bring the population back to a healthy number. Present at this meeting, there was representation from Ministry of Forests, The Columbia Kootenay Conservation Officer and Bob Jamieson, a representative involved in the elk count for the East Kootenays.
Shuswap Band Chief and Council ask that all First Nation hunters follow the regular Elk hunting season for a minimum of two years. It is important that all concerned, native and non-native, abide by these regulations designed to preserve the Elk populations for future generations.
We are requesting the Shuswap Communities, by consensus, agree to the rules in place for the 2015 hunting season. Specifically in the Skookumchuck and Findlay Creek hunting areas. The rules are as follows:
1. Permit Only Hunting for all First Nations members wishing to hunt in the East Kootenays, will be $ 30.00 (thirty) dollars. For 1 Elk, or 1 moose, and a deer, either Whitetail or Mule deer. These permits will be issued by the Shuswap Band Titles And Rights Department.
Please contact Rosalita Pascal at (250) 341-3678 Monday – Friday, or submit written requests to RR#2 3A- 492 Arrow road, Invermere B.C. V0A-1K2. Electronic submissions can be made by request to
2. All hunters will be required to report to the Shuswap Band of their intentions to hunt.
3. All hunters not permitted; will have their animals removed and given to the local First Nations for supporting community membership.
4. All proper documentation must be provided to local Conservation Officers at their request.
5. A notice of our guidelines along with the statement that: if we do not regulate hunting; there will be no Elk left to hunt. This will be sent out to all Bands.
6. All Elk taken from the East Kootenays must be reported to the Shuswap Band.
7. There will be no hunting after December 1 for the 2015/2016 hunting seasons.
The Shuswap Nation and Ktunaxa Nation are working together and in cooperation with the Province of BC to maintain the Herds.
It is important that we all understand the urgency and immediately implement a strategy to save the Elk populations in this region. This is a problem that we all share and we need to work together on a plan to fix it. We seek your support in developing a mutually agreed upon course of action so that we may stand united in our negotiations, with the Province of British Columbia and/or other levels of government on this matter.
Shuswap Band
Chief and Council
Invermere B.C.